embrace the fountain of you

Neda Hovaizi


Aesthetics Expert.



Proud Persian. 

And Now?

Wife. Mom.

embrace the Fountain of you. 

I worked so hard and did everything right. 
Why wasn't I happy yet? 

Sound familiar? The more I achieved, the emptier I felt. It wasn't until I journeyed within that I found true worthiness and purpose. I'm here to show high-achievers that it's possible to find true happiness, fulfillment, peace, and an authentic purpose - all while being a badass high achiever. 

I'm here to show the high-achievers that you don't have to be a high-achiever to be loved. AND... you can absolutely be both!

You can finally feel complete. 
You can Embrace The Fountain of You.





In order to know your

you have to start at zero.

true self

If you're into fashion, business, family… spirituality, luxury, travel… things I find funny + probably way too many videos of my puppies… You've come to the right place 💋